Dan Karasic, MD, Professor Emeritus, Psychiatry, UCSF Weill Institute for Neurosciences, has been a UCSF professor since 1991, and opened a telepsychiatry private practice in 2020. He received his M.D. from Yale University and trained in psychiatry at the UCLA Neuropsychiatric Institute.
In addition to having much experience treating patients with a wide range of concerns, including depression, bipolar disorder, PTSD, panic disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder, OCD, ADHD, and substance use disorders, he has taught medical students and trained psychiatric residents on providing this care, with an emphasis on evidence based treatments, but also a holistic approach to wellness beyond medication, and cultural humility in patient care.
Dr. Karasic (he/him/his) created and led transgender health programs, and provided care for people with HIV and other medical illnesses, and has done research on treatment of depression. He authored many articles and book chapters, and edited the book, Sexual and Gender Diagnoses of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM): A Reevaluation. Dr. Karasic was on the Board of Directors of the World Professional Association for Transgender Health, was a co-author of the WPATH Standards of Care, Version 7, and is chapter lead of the Mental Health chapter of WPATH SOC 8. Has has trained many medical students, residents, psychiatrists, and other health providers at UCSF, across the country, and internationally. He has chaired several conferences. He is a Distinguished Fellow of the American Psychiatric Association, current Chair of the APA Workgroup on Gender Dysphoria, a past president of the Association of LGBTQ+ Psychiatrists, and recipient of the 2012 UCSF Chancellor’s Leadership Award for LGBT Health.
Dr. Karasic now provides expert psychiatric care and consultation via telehealth throughout California.
Dr. Karasic speaks internationally, has done human rights work internationally, has been a consultant for the United Nations Development Programme, and has consulted on film scripts.
Here are some links to recent press about Dr.Karasic:
See Dr. Karasic on CNN: https://www.cnn.com/videos/politics/2023/07/01/smr-arkansas-trans-law-ruled-unconstitutional.cnn?fbclid=IwAR3NX494TGHHZqCT4WzSJJGGM8YkD5-1F4AB3Mn6mLSbJXyTDODy6EJcHAk
UCSF profile: